With ChatBot, automating customer service is a breeze

An all-in-one platform to build and launch conversational chatbots without coding.

I'm Deric Robinson -

an entrepreneur, coder, and artist,

and I'm certain that we can transform our lives and enterprises through the power of artificial intelligence

The Ultimate ChatGPT prompt collection will change the way you work forever.

Here’s a shocking truth…

20 hours

That’s how much time per week an average marketer or business owner can save by utilizing our customized ChatGPT prompt plugin to its full potential…

But you need to know exactly what to ask.

Average prompts you find online

AI output is only as good as the input we give it. That’s why regular prompts are NOT designed to give ChatGPT what it needs to produce a high-quality output.

Prompts from the our Prompt Engineer Plugin

If you want to really leverage AI, what you need is advanced prompts that are designed to produce effective output. Every single time.

Unlock the full capabilities of ChatGPT with our tested-for-you prompts.

Automate 1,200+ tasks

From marketing to sales, from HR to legal, from leadership to PR

4000+ incredibly powerful prompts

Tried and loved by 8000+ buyers

The most high-value prompt pack in the market

Over 1,200 tasks and 4000+ prompts.

Create customer experiences that sell

From the first visit to the final purchase, ChatBot lets you delight customers at each step of their buying journey.


Reach out to visitors proactively using personalized chatbot greetings. Turn website visits into sales opportunities.


Lead customers to a sale through recommended purchases and tailored offerings.


Generate and qualify prospects automatically. Transfer high-intent leads to your sales reps in real time to shorten the sales cycle.

Master the #1 tool that will change your business and marketing forever

93% of business owners are NOT utilizing ChatGPT properly.

Unlocking the full power of AI comes only with specific prompts that deliver the right data.

Even a slight word shift can make or break your results. After all, this is a piece of code not a human!

That’s why we did all the trial and error for you, so you can simply copy, paste, and scale.

Can you think of 1200 tasks you can automate?

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